
Showing posts from June, 2018

To Write, Or Not To Write: "Good" Main Characters

Hey y'all! I was originally going to spend this lovely afternoon typing a book review, but I couldn't think of anything I'd read recently enough to write a review about. After scratching that idea, I decided to address a different subject- one that I think every writer struggles with. By no means am I an expert; after all, with the arts, it's impossible to be an expert since the field is so subjective, but I think I've got enough food for thought to throw out into cyberspace, so here we are. Sorry in advance for any typos or grammatical errors. Even though I do have a grammar checker working alongside me, it's not foolproof. Please disregard technical issues, the words are what's most important. Welcome to a new saga for my little blog. I call it To Write, Or Not To Write and I'm sorry if that's cheesier than it is clever. I tried. This first post is going to be dedicated to "Good" main characters. Before I start, I want to say that thi

When We Collided by Emery Lord: A Review

At first, I was hesitant to read this book due to the sensitive subject matter it covers (IE: mental illness), but as I dove into the story, I quickly learned that this wouldn't be a rant review. Which is probably good, I'm not overly fond of writing "I hate this book" style reviews.  This book was readable, but not what I'd consider amazing, so I give it 3 stars. Please advise, there will be spoilers in this review from this point on. I'm very wary of books with mental illness addressed in them. Sometimes, characters with hardships feel more like cartoon characters than real people. Vivi, one of the primary protagonists, struggles with bipolarism. For the most part, I would say Emery Lord did a decent job portraying it. However, a decent job doesn't mean it's a phenomenal representation. I take issues with Vivi's manic episodes because I felt sometimes she behaved like an absolute lunatic and felt more like an elaborate circus clown without mu