50 Things I've Learned In 2018

1. It's not your fault that other people decided to hurt you, don't make excuses for them.
2. Hurt people hurt people.
3. It's okay to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
4. It's also okay to stay in your comfort zone.
5. Friendships need to have equal give and take to be healthy. You are not The Giving Tree. End the toxic friendships.
6. Make new friends. It's okay to make new friends.
7. Do what you love, love what you do.
8. Be kind, especially to yourself.
9. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone.
10. Your past shouldn't scare someone away. If it does, they aren't worth your time.
11. Treat mental illness like a physical illness. It's not in your control, and you wouldn't be frustrated with yourself if you had a cold. Being sick is being sick, no matter how you look at it.
12. Not all country music is terrible.
13. (See above) The same goes for rap.
14. Friends can be found in unexpected places.
15. More people think you're beautiful than you would expect.
16. Own your flaws, embrace your talents; there's only one you.
17. Smile more.
18. Give more hugs, they feel amazing.
19. Think about the future, but also enjoy now.
20. Go easy on yourself.
21. Ask for help, especially with math.
22. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean allowing someone to take their place back in your life.
23. You are not your parents and can control your destiny.
24. Believing in yourself is more important than other people believing in you.
25. Accept compliments.
26. Introduce yourself to more people and make more friends.
27. The right people love everything there is to love about you and help you change what needs to be changed to better yourself.
30. Poetry is an excellent therapy tool.
31. Just because you're on medication doesn't mean you stop having a mental illness. Some days require more work than others. Don't give up on the hard days.
32. Don't settle for less than your dreams, don't settle for less than what you deserve when it comes to guys.
33. Discover new things about yourself. It's always fulfilling.
34. Dream. Dream as much as you want to and work for those dreams.
35. Dancing is fun, even if you're bad at it.
36. Rain is great, even if it messes up your makeup and hair.
37. People will disappoint you, learn from those disappointments.
38. Red lipstick is a girl's best friend.
39. When a day feels unbearable, name three good things that have happened to change your focus, if that doesn't work, find more things to be positive about.
40. If you complain and only see the bad sides of life, you're going to be miserable. Instead of doing that, focus on the positives and open your mind to new possibilities.
41. Ask other people about their lives and about how they're doing, being thoughtful improves relationships.
42. People get put into your life when you need them to be.
43. Even if the world doesn't believe in you, you can believe in yourself.
44. Be more impulsive. Get outside of your own head.
45. Be honest.
46. The Beatles have some excellent insight about life.
47. There are just some people you're going to miss for a long time, and that's okay.
48. reading new genres is super fulfilling.
49. Don't be afraid to speak up. You were given a voice for a reason.
50. Go into the next year ready to grow more than ever before. You should always be evolving.


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